
2 min. readlast update: 08.21.2024

A poster should include a creative visual presentation of the abstract content, using graphs, tables, charts and other visual aids for data clarification. Posters should be horizontal and 3 feet by 4 feet (36 inches by 48 inches).

  • Innovation Poster Abstract submissions must include the following:
    • Title: Provide an informative title.
    • Author(s): Authors and institutions.
    • Purpose: What problems or issues have you identified and addressed? What program intervention did you provide?
    • Methods or Approach: What did you do? What was your innovative approach?
    • Results or Outcomes: What did you find? What were the outcomes?
    • Conclusions or Significance: What did you discover as a result of your efforts? What implications do these lessons hold for now or the future?
    • References and Acknowledgements, including funding resources.
    • IRB approval/exemption as required for human subjects.
  • Research Poster Abstract submissions should include the following:
    • Title: Provide an informative title.
    • Author(s): Authors and institutions. 
    • Purpose: Why is the study being conducted? What is the goal of the study?
    • Methods: What approach did you use to answer your research question?
    • Results or Key Findings: What are the important objective results? What did you find in the study?
    • Conclusions: What conclusions did you draw from your results? Why are the important results or key findings important for policy, practice, or theory?
    • References and Acknowledgements, including funding sources.
    • IRB approval/exemption as required for human subjects.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)
When prompted, the authors should list whether the project was IRB approved for use of human subjects or whether the IRB exempted the project from review.

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